Sunday, October 26, 2008

Going to Church vs. Going to Hell

I have this problem with the church, or maybe it's the people of the church. I don't know, either way I'm ticked. Today I was sitting in church and my friend I was sitting with leaned over during worship and said " I love North Point"! I had to agree with her, you see, I too love North Point, it's the coolest church I have ever been to. But what about God? I have this fear, that is that people are falling in love with church. Church is great, it's vital to survival as a christian, but my fear is that people are putting their salvation in the "church" as in the people within it and sometimes even the building itself. The problem here is that we (the people in the church) are humans. I know this comes as a surprise to some people, but we are, ergo we will make mistakes.

When these mistakes are made, unfortunately people get hurt. And they feel like the "church" hurt them, rather than simply a fellow believer. And then "it" happens...bitterness, it's one of Satan's greatest tools, and it lurks in the corners of just about every American church. It's gross and messy, and sinful, and Christians are the most guilty of this activity. Then when things are already bad, the bitter person takes a right turn into the downward slope of sin. It all ties back to the fact that their salvation was in the church, rather than in God. Bitterness will destroy you, it will haunt you like a ghost, it will destroy your life. God is the only perfect person, everyone else will fail, you. Sometimes the church doesn't communicate...and that's my problem with the church for today.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is SO important to grow out of the honeymoon phase with Jesus. In that phase, some of the aura is all because it is a new thing in an exotic location and everything is an experiment.

When the experiment yields a formula that works most of the time and the setting fades and becomes commonplace we may start to get the itch to move on. We're more apt to see problems in the church and take them out on the marriage itself.

Just a thought. I think stronger discipleship and personal mentoring can help alleviate this problem.